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Production Supervisor

Santo Domingo, DR, Dominican Republic | Operations

Job Description

The Manufacturing team provides value add by:
Ensuring compliance with production plans and production line outputs and keeping production assigned overall efficient.
Adhering or ensuring adherence to relevant internal work instructions, safety rules and applicable regulations (e.g., EHS).
Planning or contributing to unit’s budget, allocating resources and keeping manufacturing cost as planned.
Executing, supervising or managing manufacturing front-end processes a assigned, according to specified procedures, e.g.:
* Preparation of wafers, components or semi-products and monitors related hand-stock.
* Processing components or semi-products/products according to specifications and quality standards.
* Performing basic machine-related setup and/or CNC / SPS-programming, if required.
Cooperating with maintenance technicians and/or external service providers in repair issues.

A supervisor at this level:
Leads focused team or work group members, and instructs operators to execute work, when appropriate.
Closely supervise process execution, and all resources and personnel employed.
Initiates immediate problem solving (according to existing rules or patterns) in case of any dysfunctionality in process.

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