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FAE (Automotive)

Sunderland, UK, United Kingdom | Marketing

Job Description

The Field Application Engineering team provides value add by:
Designing or implementing business development and Go-to-market strategies, tactics and measures, for assigned markets.
Systematically collecting, analyzing and evaluating information and data about a target customers and their potentials.
Preparing customer relations, investigating and defining the business potential of prospective or existing customer.
Utilizing the VISHAY Design Database to present the technical features, options for application and integration of products.
Sampling, analyzing, calculating and completing technical aspects of proposals; providing respective quotes.
Executing calculations and simulations, and analyzing customer’s technical set-up for integration purposes.
Adding value across the whole sales process to sales and customers with technical expertise and services.

A job at this level:
Provides information and in-depth insights on assigned subjects or processes, to contribute to better decision making.
Supports stakeholder in utilizing organization’s infrastructure, commodities, products or services.
Plans and coordinates cross-functional measures, activities or resources with respect to own service.
Ensures continuous optimization of assigned services and/or processes.
.Ensures assigned operational targets or KPI’s set will be achieved.

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