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Danshui, CN, China | Finance

Job Description

The A/P Accounting team provides value add by:
Booking suppliers invoices according to accounting guidelines and regulations.
Opening accounts and following up clearance of own liabilities.
Ordering or releasing payments due, when assigned by accountable management.
Clarifying account discrepancies internally, but also with expediters, vendors & suppliers.
Producing statements of accounts, and cooperating with purchase organization in order to clarify issues.
Serving as first point of contact for buying organization and for the vendors.

A job at this level:
Executes a range of administrative or service-related recurring procedures, according to defined guidelines and work rules.
Operates and utilize tools and systems efficiently, and varies procedures to cover different cases.
Provides helpful information for a small range of topics, only partly covered by FAQ and structured-answers-catalogue
Clarifies obvious information lacks with stakeholder, and reports failure or deficiencies to responsible supervisor.
Follows internal work rules and EHS regulations, as valid for the workplace.

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