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Facilities Engineer

Manila, PH, Philippines | EHS & Sustainability

Job Description

The Facility Engineering team provides value add by:

Ensuring safe operations of electrical and Mechanical system and lay down preventive maintenance plans in Compliance to RA 7920 and RA 8495.

Lay down action plans for machine improvements, spare-parts management and project management.

Perform corrective and preventive maintenance of pollution control facilities in accordance with government standard requirement/compliance.

Perform corrective and preventive maintenance of air compressors and driers and ensure that quality CDA being supplied in production meets the standard requirements.

Perform corrective and preventive maintenance of power generator and electrical system, and ensure supply of electric power is available at all times.

Perform corrective and preventive maintenance of Deionized and waste treatment facility, and ensure continuous DI water supply at the production area, and comply with waste water discharge requirements.

Understand SOX requirements and compliance by ensuring effective internal controls and timely updates of processes/documentation.

Evaluates annual performance of subordinates by assessing their capability for advancement and improving efficiency when assigned to other job functions.

A job at this level:
Must be a licensed Electrical Engineer/Mechanical Engineer.

With 3-5 years of work related experience in Facility and Equipment Maintenance.

With Supervisory experience and has handled technical or skilled persons under his organization.

Knowledgeable in handling Electrical and Mechanical job.

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Менеджер по отделу

Манила, штат Пенсильвания, Филиппины | Цепочка поставок и логистика | JR-7535


Манила, PH, Филиппины | Недвижимость | JR-6912

Начальник отдела

Бинан, штат Пенсильвания, Филиппины | Промышленное проектирование | JR-2806


Манила, Пенсильвания, Филиппины | Промышленное проектирование | JR-6676

Инженер-технолог зонда

Манила, Пенсильвания, Филиппины | Промышленное проектирование | JR-7087

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