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Sr. FA Engineer

Binan, PH, Philippines | Quality

Job Description

The Quality Engineering team provides value add by: Contributing to engineering and production processes on sites, to meet given VISHAY quality standards ad guidelines. Establishing appropriate quality control processes, with respect to inbound, in-process and lab related QC test routines. Issuing complaint management process of detected non-conformances and runs root cause analysis. Conducting onsite production quality audits and inspections, and initiate immediate measures if necessary. Evaluating and reporting on production quality performance and supports definitions of effective measures. Participating in quality meetings with Production and/or Plant Management A job at this level: Monitors functional-specific trends and derive recommendation for their (incremental) improvements. Executes focused research. Create informative reports to support change or adaption for processes and infrastructure systems. Contributes to projects or processes to improve functional efficiency and effectiveness. Takes over accomplishment of dedicated (local or function specific) workstream, as part of an overarching infrastructure project Provides local support and consultancy on dedicated subject matters or processes (e. g. , as 'System Owner', 'Process Owner'). Performs independent judgement on subjects of relevance for the process assigned.

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