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Senior Reliability Engineer

Binan, PH, Philippines | Quality

Job Description

The QA Product Reliability team provides value add by: Defining and monitoring product reliability requirements, performance and product safety standards and guidelines. Assessing relevant local or regional norms and regulations to ensure compliance. Verifying suitable planning, tailoring and application of product development processes (incl. selection, application and test of electronic components and systems). Planning, performing and reporting qualified process or product reliability and safety assessments for products assigned. Evaluating the achieved level of product integrity and provide recommendation for release or launch of products. Analyzing incidents reported back from the field, and adapt internal guidelines accordingly. A job at this level: Plans and coordinates test procedures and programs for samples taken from warehouse or production, as dedicated process owner. Applies full-scope analytical work procedures to approach and identify root cause of quality issue or product failure. Supports the Quality Control Manager in verifying quality issues (e. g. , planning and executing audits in specific areas / subjects) Supports quality assurance Project Leader or Management in setting up and testing new test procedures, for new products. Amends test procedures and routines to adapt test to occurring variances Supports own team with specific expertise in maintenance, calibrating and setup of lab equipment and instruments.

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