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Product Marketing Manager

Columbus, NE, United States of America | Senago, IT, Italy | Torino, IT, Italy | Marketing

Job Description

The Product Marketing team provides value add by:
Designing product related market strategies and marketing plans to ensure profitable business with the product assigned.
Analyzing and evaluating market information and data about a target markets, customers, competitors and their potentials.
Deriving product requirements and "Go-to-market" plans, including pricing, promotion and placing of products.
Driving the product related outbound marketing activities, designing product marketing campaigns.
Leading product related alignments with respect to pricing, product messaging and market positioning.
Ensuring technical specification and data of product are well documented, filed and maintained in the systems.

A manager at this level:
Ensures adherence to overarching standards, guidelines, and assigned budgets. Monitors spendings.
Organizes current or near-future workload, and monitor efficiency and effectiveness of operations and projects.
Ensures effective utilization of tools and infrastructure, and may adapt methods or procedures when appropriate.
Evaluates work results and discusses with responsible management or project lead further proceedings.
Manages stakeholder contacts within own part of the value chain, and with external market partners.

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